The Prysor Angling Association was first formed on 2nd June 1898 for the benefit of local anglers on the Afon Prysor. Since this time the club has grown from strength to strength.
The lake is managed by the Prysor Angling Lake Management Committee, which is a sub group of the main Prysor Angling Association. All members of the committee are volunteers. The running of the lake is not assisted by any outside body or water company as most other large reservoirs.
Due to fishing pressure the stocks of brown trout suffered and a decision was taken by the Prysor Angling Association to supplement the natural fish with stocked rainbows. These fish have taken well to their new surroundings, their over wintered survival rate is excellent.
Llyn Trawsfynydd has a good reputation for its top of the water sport and its good quality hard fighting fish. The natural brown trout average just on the 1 lb mark, although Browns in excess of 7 lbs have been caught. Spawning takes place in the upper reaches of the Afon Prysor.
Rainbow trout are stocked regularly throughout the season, with the average being 1.10 to 1.12 lbs, with a sprinkling of larger fish being introduced. Fish in the 4 to 8 lb range are caught regularly. There have been a number of doubles caught over the years, the fishery record to date standing at 17.12 lbs.
There is a head of perch in the lake with a sprinkling of rudd and some large pike. In 1992 a Grass carp of 42 lbs was killed, being hit by a propeller, this fish having been in the lake for at least 13 years after some escaped from a cage that was kept then by the CEGB for experimental purposes in the 80s. No Grass carp has been seen since 1992 though.
Llyn Trawsfynydd is a multi method lake, where there are large areas available for bank anglers to fish either bait or fly. There are several areas of bank for fly fishing only. The season commences February 1st and continues until December the 20th, rainbows being available throughout, browns only during their season, April until end of September.
A fleet of 40 boats with outboard motors are available for fly fishing only, there are no prohibited areas. Care is required due to outcrops of rocks sub surface, which can catch out the unsuspecting angler, especially when the lake is not full. Most of the dangerous rocks are marked by metal pins. These underwater rocky outcrops are good fish holding areas.
Having an average depth of about 12 ft, in general there is little need to fish with fast sinking lines, although they cannot be discounted, most of the sport being top of the water using floating or intermediate lines.
Various methods are employed to tempt the fish, primarily mini lures, palmered flies, buzzers and dries, although some prefer large lures, its all down to individual preferences and dependent upon the time of the season and current hatches.
For more information about the fishing at Traws Lake please call: 07501 080788 or contact
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For anglers who bring their families there are a number of other activities in the locality, number of beaches, castles, slate quarries and other attractions.